Thursday, December 27, 2012

To the Answer Lady:

 From a University Heights Resident:

Answer Lady:
Please remove me from you distribution list I work two jobs and do NOT have the time for my emails to be clogged with useless emails.

However if you have so much spare time to write emails and blogs perhaps YOU can run for public office!
Thank you

The Question Lady’s response to the Answer Lady’s Complaints

Answer Lady Beth Bradley wrote:

Been hearing rumors about Bonnie Russell's imminent retirement.  Anyone have any details regarding this?  It will be sooo nice to try to get someone in place who will actually work to help resolve neighborhood concerns.  Churchgoer Bonnie Russell has apparently never met a bar she didn't like. Norman Habib of Eden NY is requesting a liquor, beer and wine license for Molly's Pub, live music to”o.

Question Lady’s response:

Why should Bonnie Russell retire after all the nice things Beth and Dave Bradley a/k/a “B W” say about her?  I don’t know about Bonnie, but most people would take it as a compliment being called a churchgoer.  It sure beats knowing you’re going straight to hell for being full of hate.

 Answer Lady Beth Bradley wrote “

Number of homicides under Bonnie Russell's watch
  1. Shameka Harris, 2012, Minnesota Ave
  2. Joshua Eatmon, 2012, Minnesota Ave
  3. Baby Boy, 2012, Heath St, beaten to death
  4. Samatha Cothran, 2012, Minnesota Ave
  5. Jacob Herbert, 2010, Lisbon Ave (Stabbed to death at out of control student street party)
  6. Javon Jackson, 2010, gunned down on Main St graduation night.
  7. Christmas stabbing death, 2009?, Words over party on Winspear resulted in stabbing death around Christmas
And let's not forget the near death of Tom Ozlowy, shot in the chest, the alcohol fueled beating/stomping of Micheal Bliss on Main St and other assorted shootings, stabbings, beatings, muggings and rapes. Betty Jean Grant cared enough about the violence in this district to call for a task force to help stem the violence.  Noticeably absent from this or apparently any other effort (you guessed it).

Question Lady’s Answer: 

I didn’t know Bonnie Russell was Commissioner of Police – or maybe she’s the Mayor – maybe she’s in the military?  It’s got to be something in her job description that allows her to carry a gun and weapons to protect everybody in the district from random acts of violence????   I can just see Councilperson Russell in her army fatigues  carrying a 30 clip machine gun patrolling the district in the dead  of night, running and dodging criminals to the tune of “Mission Impossible”…

    When will the Answer Lady (Dave and Beth Bradley a/k/a “B W”) learn:  Frankly, no one gives a darn about their complaints?    Keep up the good work “B W”.  Thanks to you, Bonnie Russell will be University District Council Member for years to come!  Happy New Year!!!


Friday, April 27, 2012

Question for the Answer Lady from the Question Lady !

Question for the Answer Lady from the Question Lady !

The Question Lady would like to know why the Answer Lady is, once again, not telling the whole truth about Councillwoman Bonnie Russell.  Why would you put a PARTIAL quote from the Buffalo News to support your lies?

Everyone knows that Councilwoman Russell is impressed with Linda Baines, however, it's not just because she is a woman.  If you read the entire article, the Councilwoman compliments Linda Baines for being a Registered Nurse, for being a Block Club President, a Veteran who served our country in the United States Army, a Community Leader and someone with Community Support.  The Councilwoman's comment about how it would be nice to be joined by another woman on the Common Council, was Councilwoman Russell's LAST comment.

Linda Baines may not even get the appointment; no one has five votes.  Mickey Kearns put this process in place; let the process work itself out.

Once again, you will use any lie you can come up with to support your version of what really happens.  Get a life, show up to University Heights meetings, get a new house in another neighborhood - do something to stop youself from being so hateful toward people.

You need a lot of prayer.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

When grandma goes bad

1  how does the answer lady know what is going on at Jill Joseph Towers?  Who is her source of information?

2  Has she talked to any of the residents?

3 If there are problems there,that could affect the community  has she done anything about them like INFORM the police?

4  Is she aware that Clifford Tillman was ARRESTED for threatening the neighbor and dog and that the case has gone to mediation?

5  Is she aware that a tenant council (similar to a block club) is being formed by a committee led by Councilperson Bonnie Russell that will allow tenants to voice their concerns?  And that Mrs. Russell and her committee have addressed safety and security concerns with residents of the JJ Towers?  Mrs. Russell has been the facilitator for forming this tenant council.  Lets give credit where credit is due!!!

6  What are the conditions that led to the management evicting a tenant?  This building gets federal and state funding and cannot decide to evict someone because they do not like the person.

7  As Sargent Friday says on Dragnet   "just the facts ma'am"   I'd sure like to know where the answer lady got hers

Friday, December 9, 2011

Questions for the Answer Lady

Does the answer lady expect the Council person in the University district to patrol the streets of said district with a MACHINE gun to stop crime?

Do council members in other districts patrol their streets with the cops?

Is it part of their job to patrol their district streets and most importantly would it make a difference?
We have a new police chief in the University District.  Her name is Kim Beaty and she has been in law enforcement for 25 years.  

Was the answer lady at the new chief's introductory meeting to speak about the problems in the district?  Council person Russell had a representative there and she had already spoken to the new chief.  Many community leaders were there.  

Where was the answer lady?  Is she going to give the new chief a chance or is she complaining just to be complaining?  Has the answer lady come up with any sort of solution, answer, or idea about the problem of crime or is she just exercising her fingers typing another useless blog?  The next meeting with Chief Beaty  is going to be Dec 21 at 11:00 am.  

Will the answer lady be there or will she just be exercising her fingers again

Monday, September 12, 2011

The question lady has questions for Ms. Rochelle Ricchiazzi

1 Why did she miss the forum that the other 2 candidates for the University Heights attended  at the Arts gallery on Elmwood. Can't she defend her agenda?

2 Where are her signs for  the election?

3 Why is it that the only personal info that I found out about her came from the Buffalo News?

4 Who knows her or has even heard of  her until she announced her candidacy August 31st
less than 2 weeks before the primary  nothing like leaving something to the last minute.

5 What are her affiliations? What groups are supporting her and what groups is she supporting?

6 Why does she only speak through her brother's e mail account?

7 How is she going to tackle the problems of her constituents and keep up her classes at Niagara University?

8 Most importantly can she meet me for a drink at a bar?  Oops  I guess not  she is only 19 years old.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Questions for the Answer Lady from the Question Lady

1 Where was Councilperson Bonnie Russell ?

Answer:  On Sunday Sept 4th she was visiting students at 2 houses on West Northrup who consider this area party town. She was informed of the parties at 12:30 am by a long term resident and businessman who lives on West Northrup.

2 Where was Bonnie Russell Monday Sept 5?

Answer:  She was at District E meeting with a community officer about the parties that had occurred the previous Saturday

3 Where were the UB and City police when these parties were going on?  The resident said that he contacted the Buffalo police.

4 What can be done to make UB and the city accountable for rowdy behavior in our district?

5 Why didn't the answer lady ask these questions of the Buffalo and UB police?

6 Who is her source and why does she not have all the facts before she sits at her computer?

7 Does she have a personal grudge against our Council person?