Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Questions for the Answer Lady from the Question Lady

1 Where was Councilperson Bonnie Russell ?

Answer:  On Sunday Sept 4th she was visiting students at 2 houses on West Northrup who consider this area party town. She was informed of the parties at 12:30 am by a long term resident and businessman who lives on West Northrup.

2 Where was Bonnie Russell Monday Sept 5?

Answer:  She was at District E meeting with a community officer about the parties that had occurred the previous Saturday

3 Where were the UB and City police when these parties were going on?  The resident said that he contacted the Buffalo police.

4 What can be done to make UB and the city accountable for rowdy behavior in our district?

5 Why didn't the answer lady ask these questions of the Buffalo and UB police?

6 Who is her source and why does she not have all the facts before she sits at her computer?

7 Does she have a personal grudge against our Council person?