Friday, December 9, 2011

Questions for the Answer Lady

Does the answer lady expect the Council person in the University district to patrol the streets of said district with a MACHINE gun to stop crime?

Do council members in other districts patrol their streets with the cops?

Is it part of their job to patrol their district streets and most importantly would it make a difference?
We have a new police chief in the University District.  Her name is Kim Beaty and she has been in law enforcement for 25 years.  

Was the answer lady at the new chief's introductory meeting to speak about the problems in the district?  Council person Russell had a representative there and she had already spoken to the new chief.  Many community leaders were there.  

Where was the answer lady?  Is she going to give the new chief a chance or is she complaining just to be complaining?  Has the answer lady come up with any sort of solution, answer, or idea about the problem of crime or is she just exercising her fingers typing another useless blog?  The next meeting with Chief Beaty  is going to be Dec 21 at 11:00 am.  

Will the answer lady be there or will she just be exercising her fingers again